An Essay Evolves / FrontPage


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Welcome to "An Essay Evolves".

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The title: Evaluate Freud's theory of personality. 1500 words maximum.


What's New:



Thursday, August 2: Experience and goal - irreconcilably different? (blog)


Wednesday, June 20: Feedback & We have feedback (blog)


Thursday, March 22: On referencing (blog)


Wednesday, March 21: Final draft with references!


Tuesday, March 20: Being an editor (blog)


Monday, March 19: What constitutes 'evidence' within the science of Psychology..?


Thursday, March 15: Penultimate draft & Mit schlag obers (blog)


Saturday, March 10: Draft conclusion & Drawing a conclusion (blog)


Friday, March 9: The argument so far with some additions & The argument - new and improved & Iteration and reiteration (blog)


Thursday March 8: The existing argument, outlined paragraph by paragraph


Wednesday March 7: Freud's theory and modern science


Tuesday March 6: A beginning, a middle and an end (blog)


Friday March 2: Why is Freud an iconic figure in psychology?



Thursday March 1: Bibliography  web design & note taking (blog)



Wednesday February 28: A session with a writing mentor (blog) & A hot potato? (blog)


Tuesday February 27: Critical points





Monday February 26: Purging and understanding & Nailing jelly to the ceiling (blog)



Friday February 23: Freud & personality notes 2 (blog) & What does personality mean to you? (blog)


Thursday February 22: Gathering evidence (blog)


Wednesday February 21: A Freudian freewrite & Freud & personality notes 1 (blog)


Contributions, notes and drafts from the first essay title:


Why was there a change of title?

Making models

First thoughts on memory

Question analysis 

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Comments (6)

Anonymous said

at 2:05 pm on Feb 12, 2007

Ha ha, tell me about it. When there's a model answer or example essay given to you as a guideline, you can become so paranoid that people might think you plagiarised it that you completely deviate from it. And through this determination not to use the same points or concepts, you leave out key material that you may otherwise had included had you NOT seen the model. A sad situation indeed. :(

Anonymous said

at 4:57 pm on Feb 12, 2007

Oh yes, Alina. Plagiarism is a worry, and something I'll certainly be discussing over the next three weeks. Also the concept of originality (although there's more room for it in some topics than in others). Thanks for your comment - if there's anything special you'd like me to address here, please let me know.

Anonymous said

at 11:10 am on Feb 17, 2007

Currently in the swamp of 2 essays competing for my time and deadlines approaching..i'm pondering on just how many distractions i can make for myself (making this list is, in itself is, of course, a fab distraction!).
Seems i'm driven to do all sorts of 'stuff round the house' before will settle to work.
List so far: check emails, tidy up every room, do washing up, cook kids meals for next week, check emails one more time, etc. etc.
How can i train myself out of this??!
ps..also i'm really good at 'pretend' working i.e. surfing the net, library visits, reading 'an essay evolves'! etc.

Anonymous said

at 11:54 am on Feb 20, 2007

Hi Ali, I've never been a displacement activity before. It's sort of flattering to my ego. No, but seriously, the amusing way you describe your dilemma belies the misery that can be caused by our resistance. This is such a pressing and present issue that I think I'll devote a whole blog post to it. Of course, I have no universal panacea for this, but I've developed some strategies which have helped me get down to writing and study. I'll share them on the blog a wee bit later. Good luck with your work.

Anonymous said

at 12:53 pm on Feb 20, 2007

What you describe here and in your blog about innocently absorbing some concepts and finding that you might have plagiarized is interesting, especially when your work is on memory. What do we really remember? I am more and more convinced that we need to reconceive how we really learn; can it be that our reading, even our "pretend work" like surfing around or browsing in the library is a more powerful way to learn? I recommend a recent essay on this topic--the title says it all: The Ecstacy of Influence:

Thanks for inviting us into your process.

Anonymous said

at 2:43 pm on Feb 21, 2007

Thank you Michele, both for your comments and for an excellent article.

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